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News & Events
Published the first SSX experiments at beamline BL13-XALOC from small crystals of five proteins suspended in LCP and delivered to the X-ray beam. Our results confirm that the current capabilities at the beamline enables atomic resolution determination of protein structures from microcrystals. Read the article here.
Symposium on TR-SFX with XFELs at the 44th SEBBM conference (Sept 6-9, 2022)

Jose M. MartÃn GarcÃa (left), Allen Orville (middle), and Arwen Pearson (right), present the symposium "Towards Molecular Movies of Enzymatic Reactions with Time-resolved Crystallography", which will be held in Malaga, Sept 9, 2022. We will be presenting some of the most recent and greatest advances, and developments in the emerging technology of TR-SFX at XFELs. Further information on the Symposium can be found here.
Seminar on the new ID29 beamline at ESRF
The new beamline ID29 dedicated to time-resolved serial crystallography studies ID29 will start operation in September 2022. To have a first-hand description of the potential of ID29 beamline we invite you to a seminar followed by a round table discussion to be held virtually on Thursday, March 17, 2022, at 10 AM.
Alice Grieco at "Yo Investigo. Yo soy CSIC".
Alice Grieco presents a 3 min video on her research for the 3rd edition of the scientific dissemination competition "Yo Investigo. Yo soy CSIC". See it here ( and give her a like!!
Observation of substrate diffusion and ligand binding in enzyme crystals using high-repetition-rate serial crystallography
An international collaborative project to watch in real time the diffusion of ligands into enzyme crystals using the state-of-the-art XFEL technology. From our experiments, we have been able to capture a real time view into the catalytic site of the enzyme beta-lactamase C from Mycobacterium tuberculosis during the binding of the antibiotic ceftriaxone and the inhibitor sulbactam. This demonstrates that XFEL technology can be used as an important tool for biomedicaly relevant research.
Methods for Crystallization and Structural Determination of M-T7 Protein from Myxoma Virus
The myxoma virus has become of interest in human medicine in the last two decades as it has the ability to infect many types of human cancer cells and is being used as a platform to develop viro-therapeutic agents that suppress aggressive and damaging immune responses and inflammation......
Jose M. MartÃn GarcÃa (IQFR-CSIC, left) and Wojciech Gawelda (UAM-IMDEA Nanoscience, right), founders of the Spain XFEL Hub, are organizing a half-day session on XFEL science at the upcoming X AUSE Conference and V ALBA User's Meeting 2022. Further information on the conference can be found here.
Brent Nannenga from Arizona State University visits Rocasolano

Brent Nannenga from Arizona State University visited the IQFR-CSIC on Wednesday, April 6th, 2022. Brent is a pioneer on the novel technique of Micro-ED. He gave us a talk on "High-resolution molecular structure determination: Methods development and applications". You can watch it here.
Co-flow injection for serial crystallography at X-ray free-electron lasers
An international collaborative project to design a hybrid microfluidic 3D-printed co-flow device. our device reduce crystal clogging effects, have the potential to conserve protein crystal samples up to 95% and will allow degradation-free light-induced time-resolved SFX.
Alice Grieco presented a poster at the LCLS-SSRL users meeting, September 20-24, 2021
Alice´s poster was entitle Towards deciphering the Catalytic Mechanism of human NQO1 by Time-Resolved Serial Femtosecond Crystallography at XFELs. Find out more here.
Determined the first crystal structure of the catalytically active Taspase1
Taspase 1 dysregulation is increasingly implicated in the genesis and metastasis of various cancers, it has become an attractive candidate for drug development. But before this can happen, researchers will need a highly detailed blueprint of the structure of this protease....
Congratulations to Alice Grieco for being awarded with a poster award at the EMBO Journal Workshop!!!!

Alice Grieco presented her poster "Unraveling the high plasticity of human NQO1 by Time-Resolved Serial Femtosecond Crystallography at XFELs" at the EMBO Journal virtual workshop Time-resolved spectroscopy meets time-resolved crystallography: The future of dynamic photobiology". Her poster received the award for best presentation.
International School of Biological Crystallization (ISBC2023)
Juan Manuel GarcÃa Ruiz & Jose A. Gavira of the Laboratory of Crystallographic Studies (LEC) are organizing the 8th International School of Biological Crystallization (ISBC2023), which will be held at Hotel Nevada Palace (Granada, Spain) in May 21-26, 2023.
XXX GE3C Symposium
The Crystallography and Crystal Growth Specialty Group (GE3C) is organizing the Symposium “The next generation: New technologies for new materials and biomolecules“, which will be held in Benidorm (Alicante, Spain), January 17-19, 2023.
Our article on serial crystallography with viscous jets at ALBA synchrotron is now out!!
Macromolecular Crystallography & Cryo-EM School (MCCS-2023)
The Department of Crystallography and Structural Biology (CBE) of the IQFR-CSIC is back organizing a new edition of the Macromolecular Crystallography & Cryo-EM School (MCCS-2023), which will be held at IQFR-CSIC (Madrid, Spain) in May 8-12, 2023.
Extruding crystals to study antibiotics mechanisms at the new ID29 beamtline at the ESRF (October 2022)
A team from the Instituto de QuÃmica FÃsica Rocasolano (IQFR-CSIC) led by Dr. José M. MartÃn GarcÃa conducted the first experiments at the new ID29 beamline to test the new injector set-up that the ESRF has developed to study multiple crystals of 5-10 microns in a high viscosity medium.
The Spain XFEL Hub is organizing a session on XFEL science at the next AUSE/ALBA meeting to be held in Barcelona, Sept 5-8, 2022

Special Issue "Novel Structural Studies of Coronavirus Proteins" Print Special Issue Flyer Special Issue Editors Special Issue Information Keywords Published Papers A special issue of Crystals (ISSN 2073-4352). This special issue belongs to the section "Biomolecular Crystals". Deadline for manuscript submissions: 20 December 2021....
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